Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS), an international non-profit, is looking for someone with your talents, gifts, and skills to help give the gift of remembrance.
Are you a photographer?
A skilled digital retouch artist?
Have you considered what ways you can make an impact in the lives of others and give back with your talents this year?
Our friends at NILMDTS provide the free gift of remembrance photography to families experiencing the loss of a baby through volunteers with talents like yours. Photographers go into hospitals and capture the only moments families will have with their babies. Digital retouch artists help create the final healing images that families will have to remember their babies by. This work’s impact is lifelong and helps create honor and healing for families.
Will you consider helping a grieving family this year? Every volunteer impacts the number of families that will receive this gift this year, and you could be that person making an impact in your local community today.
To learn more, go to, use the code LIGHT to waive the application fee (by March 31, 2023), and get started today.
Melanie Rodger
Recruitment Coordinator
(719) 370-4230