Intro by Skip Cohen
Suzette Allen recently shared the post below, and it got me thinking about our industry and how we’re all connected. It was especially evident at IUSA last month – the energy in the air was incredible. But it wasn’t just about getting to a great convention, but all of us being together – old friends and new ones.
The last few years have been a challenge for all of us. We’re social animals, and while programs like Zoom and Skype helped keep us in touch, along with our phones, we were absent from physical contact. I know there were days when I would have killed for a fist bump with any friend combined with a conversation about almost anything.
And while there are times when we each appreciate being independent and being alone – flying solo isn’t always that fulfilling. There’s an old African proverb I’ve quoted a few times over the years:
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”
Suzette photographed a community of seals on a recent trip to Galapagos, prompting her to write the post below. And her comparison to the seals took me back to IUSA. In fact, one of my first stops was catching up to friends in Marathon’s booth.
The answers to the challenges in imaging and business are all there if we stay focused and work together. And as hokey as it sounds – we really are one big family!

So often we think we are better off by ourselves.
It’s simpler, right? And so much less messy. But it’s dangerous and the truth is we are wired for community.
For interdependence. For connection. We are made for each other, as friends, family, colleagues, buddies, whatever- Just together.
“Two are better than one, because if one falls, the other can lift him up. And if one is overpowered, two can resist attack. A cord of three strands is not easily broken, right?”*
Ecclesiastes 4:9-11
I loved the seals in Galapagos because they were not only just chillin’ all the time, they were enjoying being connected. They were either laying next to one another, touching each other, nudging each other or laying in a group.

If they were in the water, they were frolicking together and it just made me happy to watch! I loved seeing the baby seals, just hours old, looking for their mommies… or lost like this little guy!

So many photos and so many sights warmed my heart. It was difficult to walk away! The babies just stole my heart and their playful ways made me think about how to bring more Joy into my life… like hanging out with seals!