
  1. Business
  2. Marketing
  3. Photography Education
Let’s face it – marketing is HARD!  Potential clients are inundated with ads while trends are constantly changing.  Reaching people is more difficult than ever before.  So, what can we do to find those clients?  I’m sure you’ve heard the term “relationship marketing”, right?  Consider a twist on this concept which I like to call “Hero Marketing”. My journey into […]
  1. Business
  2. Marketing
  3. Photography Education
In today’s era of constant social media posts, submitting a press release to a local news outlet is a highly effective, yet often overlooked method of gaining credible business exposure. Readers tend to trust articles more than advertisements since articles are perceived as editorial content rather than paid promotions. Compared to other marketing strategies, press […]
  1. Business
  2. Charities
  3. Marketing
  4. Photography Education
“At the end it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back. “ Denzel Washington  Halloween is a month away, followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, and a long list of events in virtually every community. NOW is the time to […]