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Your Time, Your Kids and Your Dreams

Intro by Skip Cohen

Every week I get an email from Sarah Petty, and it’s always filled with something that makes me think. She needs to be on your radar.

Last week I got the email below, and while it relates directly to a workshop she’s teaching, don’t underestimate the power of her message – making time for things you believe in. It starts with identifying what you need to fulfill your dreams – nothing crazy, just the steps you need to take, and then making the time for each step along the way.

The secret of making dreams come true can be summarized in four Cs: They are curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy. And the greatest of these is confidence.
Walt Disney

The pandemic has slowed down progress on a lot of dreams lately but has not brought them to a standstill. And downtime is an opportunity to figure out what you need to pursue your dreams and build the confidence you need to succeed!

By Sarah Petty

One thing I hear over and over from my photographers is that they want to set a powerful example for their kids.

  • They want their kids to see them succeed.
  • To see them going after their dreams
  • So their kids grow up believing anything is possible!

I know for a lot of us, parents especially, not having the spare time to devote to our own growth holds us back.

I mean, is there any free time between work and family and school and housework?

And then we’re left stuck feeling like we’re not setting a good example for our kids because we’re struggling just to get everything done!

My student Ricky Clark was in a bind like that.

He was a struggling photographer with a full-time job, a wife, a kid at home with another one on the way.

Plus he’s in the Army Reserve.

So, you know, no extra time whatsoever.

Here’s what he told me about finding the time for HIS OWN GROWTH.

“I know that if I want something bad enough, I’ll make the time. For me, it was sleep. I was willing to sacrifice a couple of hours of sleep after everyone else was in bed to invest in myself.”

Now if you’ve ever had a newborn, you KNOW that sleep is an endangered species.

A rare white unicorn.

As unexpected as a biker dude at a tea party.

But Ricky was willing.

Ricky was DRIVEN.

Ricky was NOT going to let anything stand in his way of building the photography business he’s dreamed of for him and his family.

“I knew this was what needed to be done!”

“And it paid off HUGE!” he said. “Being part of the Boutique Breakthrough workshop empowered me. I used to never take risks.


And today, he holds the record for being the FASTEST student to get his first Julie!

2 weeks into my Boutique Breakthrough course in June, he got a $1300+ order!!!!

Here’s Ricky’s advice to you:
“If you’re really honest with yourself, there is time somewhere. Find where you can eliminate SOMETHING so you can invest in yourself.”
I know, I know…

It seems impossible to find the extra time when you’re already underwater.

Try Ricky’s exercise.

Be REALLY honest with yourself.

I found some time when I did it.

You can, too.

If your ultimate goal is inspiring your kids …

It’ll be worth it.

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