Business Photography Photography Education How to Get Started as a Portrait & Wedding Photographer Becoming a photographer requires a passion for the arts and science. The technical side of capturing an image is the science but the artistic side is where your creative soul lives. Today’s cameras make it easier than ever to get started in photography. But there’s a lot more to photography than putting your camera on […] Written by Hollie Klimek September 21, 2023July 20, 2023
Business Photography Photography Education How to Create a Custom High School Senior Photo Experience Beautiful images start with getting to know your client. I am old school…I like to talk on the phone or meet up in person. I use this time to learn about the client’s style and interests and what they would most like to get out of their portrait session. I often end up creating lasting relationships […] Written by Valerie Thomas September 12, 2023August 21, 2023
Photography Technology What Should You Expect on Your First Drone Flight? So here I am, I have practiced flying my toy drone in the basement. I feel pretty comfortable because I have also flown radio-controlled helicopters. They are about the same right? Up, down, forward, backward, and side to side. Should be easy. I take my new (not a toy) drone to the local playground and […] Written by Jay Davis August 10, 2023July 7, 2023
Photography Photography Education Photoshop How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Photography? I have been testing Adobe’s Generative Fill in their new Photoshop Beta version. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that this technology would be achieved in my lifetime. It’s simply jaw-dropping. The Pros: There is nothing I can’t do or create effortlessly in Photoshop. Truly, my imagination is my only limit. The […] Written by Mark Weber August 3, 2023August 2, 2023
Inspiration Photography How to Implement Psychogeography Photography The term ‘psychogeography’ was invented by the French writer, poet, and philosopher Guy Debord in 1957. He defined it as the study of an environment’s specific effects on individuals’ emotions and actions. It is the intersection of psychology and geography. In other words, psychogeography is about how we feel and act when we are in […] Written by Carly Sullens M. Artist, CPP June 6, 2023April 19, 2023
Photography Photography Education How to Photograph the Starry Skies with Any Camera Astrophotography is fun and inspiring. It never gets old seeing the images pop up on the back of the camera after a time exposure and seeing all these stars that your eyes can’t see. I got into astrophotography a couple of years ago on my own terms. What do I mean by that? I didn’t […] Written by Mark Weber June 1, 2023May 1, 2023
Customer Satisfaction Marketing Photography Uncategorized Five Great Things to Say to an Upset Customer Intro by Skip Cohen There’s so much great content in Shep Hyken’s blog archives. Setting the highest possible standard for Customer Service is your not-so-secret weapon to give you a leadership reputation in your community. I grew up in Customer Service in Polaroid back in the 70s. The SX-70 had come out and those first […] Written by Shep Hyken May 23, 2023April 13, 2023
Photography Photography Education Techniques Eye-Contact is Key — But Not Always Possible Why will some children not provide eye-contact in a photo session? A form of Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) may be the reason. Let’s first look into what might be happening in this scenario. In this image by Thomas Balsamo, professional photographer and author of “Souls: Beneath and Beyond Autism,” The boy has a very different look in […] Written by Karen Dorame May 16, 2023May 4, 2023
Inspiration Photography Photography Education Creating with Curiosity One of the best ways for me to create my most powerful work is often just led through curiosity. Generally, I think there are a lot of makers that think that you need to plan everything down to the last prop before shooting. That can be so helpful with sets that are a large investment, […] Written by Kenzie Hunter Hokanson May 9, 2023March 24, 2023
Photography Photography Education Award Winning Air Show Photography How can I shoot awesome airshow photos with the equipment I already own? If you have never photographed an air show before, you really need to give it a go. It’s a challenge, it’s exhilarating and loud. But most of all, it’s just plain fun. (Pun intended) Below are some basic tips to help get […] Written by Doug Thomsen May 4, 2023March 22, 2023