Marketing Show You Care With a Teddy Bear! Have you ever noticed that even in a difficult economy, families tend to loosen their purse strings as the holidays draw near? And why not! As soon as parents start planning for the holidays, family is on their minds, and their thoughts quite naturally turn to gift giving. For photographers, this means that it is […] Written by Marathon Press September 27, 2011September 27, 2011
Marketing Big Profits from Little Calendars Sometimes a small idea can bring great rewards. Here’s one to consider: In your community there are literally hundreds of businesses that would love to keep their name in front of the public all year round. You can make this happen for any type of business or professional office, and in the process introduce them […] Written by Marathon Press September 14, 2011September 14, 2011
Marketing Use Holiday Greeting Cards to Help Drive Holiday Sessions According to Hallmark Cards, Inc., Christmas is the largest card-sending holiday in the United States, with approximately 1.5 billion cards sent annually. Add to that the millions of cards sent in celebration of Hanukah and Kwanza, and it’s obvious that holiday cards represent a huge opportunity for photographers to motivate the public to purchase portraits. […] Written by Marathon Press September 7, 2011September 7, 2011
Marketing Email Marketing It’s no secret that email marketing has become an exceptionally powerful promotional tool for photographers. Since emails can link to the content of websites, blogs, and social media, email campaigns and eNewsletters are helping photographers connect with qualified clients they might have missed through other more traditional marketing efforts. With Fall about to arrive, and […] Written by Marathon Press August 30, 2011August 30, 2011
Marketing Celebrate Your Relationships When you consider how fast the world turns these days, thank heavens that the year-end holidays allow us to pause for a moment to remember how important family relationships are to us. Because so many consumers have their minds on family as the holiday season approaches, there’s no better time to advertise “relationship” portraits. Many […] Written by Marathon Press August 17, 2011August 17, 2011
Marketing Fall is For Family It starts just after the kids go back to school: parents everywhere take a deep breath, then they start planning fall family activities and for the holidays that are just around the corner. Portrait photographers need to be one jump ahead of their family clients and prospects, because by the time the scorching days of […] Written by Marathon Press August 10, 2011August 10, 2011
Marketing Open Doors To Potential Clients When you are out and about in the community, you probably encounter subjects you would like to photograph for any number of purposes . . . to use as studio or advertising samples, competition prints, or simply to practice new techniques on an interesting subject or group. Offering a “Be My Guest” card is […] Written by Marathon Press July 28, 2011July 28, 2011
Marketing Help Us Create a Masterpiece Build summer profits and help a deserving charity with Marathon’s Help Us Create a Masterpiece promotion. Affordable: 1,000 6×9 full color marketing cards, only $333 when you submit your own design OR let Marathon design it for an additional $99! Easy: We know you’re busy, so Marathon will prepare and format the marketing message of […] Written by Marathon Press July 19, 2011July 19, 2011
Marketing Best Friends Marathon’s Best Friends promotion is affordable, easy and effective. Affordable: 1,000 6×9 full color marketing cards, only $333 when you submit your own design OR let Marathon design it for an additional $99! Easy: We know you’re busy, so Marathon will prepare and format the marketing message of your “Best Friends” children’s session designed to […] Written by Marathon Press July 12, 2011July 12, 2011
Marketing Enchanted Summer Marathon’s Enchanted Summer promotion is affordable, easy and effective. Affordable: 1,000 6×9 full color marketing cards, only $333 when you submit your own design OR let Marathon design it for an additional $99! Easy: We know you’re busy, so Marathon will prepare and format your “Enchanted Summer” children’s fantasy set-design theme marketing message back copy. […] Written by Marathon Press July 5, 2011July 5, 2011