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Switch it Off!

Intro by Skip Cohen

One of the biggest challenges with the pandemic is Bev Walden’s point in today’s post. We all have to learn to shut off the negativity around us. The negativity is easily identified, but shutting it off is easier said than done.

Here are some ideas that are working for me:

• We’ve stopped watching the news. I’m not suggesting the battle with COVID-19 isn’t serious – just that I don’t need to know the media’s spin on the pain it’s created. And honestly, as I’ve written before, I’m tired of listening to politicians and the “experts” talk about whose crystal ball is more accurate!
• I call at least 2-3 friends every day to find out how they’re doing. A lot of these friends are people I haven’t seen for a long time, which makes the conversation even more fun.
• Sheila and I are binge-watching one series after another – all programs we missed in the past.
• I’m looking through some of my photographs every day. Not for long, but just 15-20 minutes of images taken any time over the last few years. They’re great reminders of life before we hunkered down!
• I’m planning things I want to work on after this is over, as well as projects I can do safely while in self-quarantine. It’s keeping me active and my mind in a place other than doom and gloom.
• Last but not least, I’m not listening to the doom and gloomers. They’re like trolls, hiding behind their computer screens and looking for new ways to kill any sign of optimism.

And that’s the perfect lead-in for Bev Walden’s first point – OPTIMISM!

Just remember, we’re all in this together. It’s not going to last forever, and normalcy won’t involve feeling isolated for much longer.

By Beverly Walden

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall in place.” Lao Tzu

The mind is so important to success in ANY business, especially today. I believe it is time to turn the bad news off and start refreshing our minds with positive influences in order to come out on the other side successfully.

And…this is the perfect time to turn your energy towards new ideas and creative projects that will have you up and ready when we can finally open our doors.

My hope is that we will all be able to overcome the negative thoughts that are swirling all around us, day and night and get back on track to being the creative, talented individuals that we are!

I thought I would lay out the top three characteristics of highly successful people. Where do you fit? Can you see yourself having these characteristics?

I love what Tim said recently, “Steer in the water you are in.” This statement is so true.

#1…OPTIMISM (in other words, believing most things are possible.)
To be optimistic is to approach challenges and problems believing there is a solution to be found and that it is possible that you will be the one to find that solution. This optimism is not unreasonable, but simply a positive way to think.

The Imagineer that designed Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Joe Rodhi, says this, “We first have to believe that it can be done. Then we have to believe that we are the ones who have the power to do it. IF WE DON’T BELIEVE THOSE TWO THINGS, THE BATTLE IS LOST BEFORE WE START.”

This is a tough one, but absolutely necessary. We think of our bulldog, Rock, when we think of the best “picture” of persistence. He had a red tug toy that he loved so much that he would rather die than give it up. Out of breath as he tugged and tugged, we would finally call it quits on our end so that he could take a much-needed break.

That is persistence and we need to learn this trait of successful people.
A great example of persistence is Thomas Edison. He spent 52 years (can you imagine that) perfecting the incandescent light bulb to last from an average of 40 hours to 1,500 hours. His comment was this,

“I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

Let’s all have that attitude!

This trait allows us to see our ideas before they are actually realized. Children are perhaps the best examples of imagination as they have not developed barriers and put up walls. I’ve always said playing with photography is one of the best ways to revive imagination if we are feeling stale and have lost the love of this profession amidst the difficulties of keeping the business afloat.

Picasso considered a child’s imagination to be the absolute benchmark of creativity.
For creatives, the imagination is the place they work out their ideas without barriers or walls.
Einstein said of this trait,

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”