Photo Editing

  1. Inspiration
  2. Photo Editing
  3. Photography
What is Photo Manipulation Altering your photo in any way is a form of photo manipulation, from composite and photo painting to simple hue and lighting adjustments. Photo manipulation can be done in-camera, such as double exposure or post-editing in a dark room or digital editing software program.   Photo Manipulation and editing are integral […]
  1. Inspiration
  2. Photo Editing
  3. Photography
By Carly Sullens   Of all the art mediums, photography has one of the steepest learning curves. It is the most technical and requires learning multiple facets to master, which includes; camera mechanics, lighting, editing, posing and more. No matter where you are on your photography journey, there’s always something to learn. Photographers learn from […]
  1. Business
  2. Photo Editing
  3. Product Info
  4. School Photography
  5. Technology
School Photographers, Marathon’s new XTractions HYBRID post-production services can save you 50% or more on your Green Screen image processing this Fall. Here’s how it works: First, you don’t need to photograph with green screen for your traditional underclass head-and-shoulders program this Fall to still get premium background options. Instead, choose to use one of […]