Photography Education Photoshop Techniques How to Get Started in Digital Painting Digital painting gives you the freedom to explore and try new things. Cameras are very good at capturing a scene in the present moment. Digitally photo painting can also expand the scene to express how the scene made us feel and what we imagined. As a concept artist, I understand the need to augment photography […] Written by Carly Sullens M. Artist, CPP April 20, 2023March 22, 2023
Inspiration Marketing Photography Education One Tool to Capture Seasonality A month ago, I shared this on my own blog – just to make a point. I was pleasantly surprised at the comments from people who jumped on the idea of doing comparison shots of their own. It’s a great way to draw people into reminding them what you do best – capture memories! There’s […] Written by Skip Cohen April 18, 2023April 13, 2023
Marketing Photography Education Sales How Will You Market to Attract New Clients? There are many ways to market to new mommies and moms-to-be, however, over the years, networking has remained the number one way to get in front of targeted, qualified clients. Networking with and through past clients is always my go-to place to begin. If I am starting something new I will make personal phone calls […] Written by Lori Nordstrom April 13, 2023February 28, 2023
Branding Business Photography Education What’s the Name of Your Business? Intro by Skip Cohen I love this post from Sarah Petty because it hits on a topic people rarely talk about – what do I call my business? I’m literally talking about the name your business is going to be known by. Everyone likes something catchy and something that can quickly become top-of-mind awareness when […] Written by Sarah Petty April 11, 2023March 21, 2023
Inspiration Photography Photography Education How to Do Gender-Inclusive Posing When I first learned photography 6 years ago, I took as many classes as possible. I sought out experts and tried to learn everything from lighting, editing, marketing, and posing. I remember being taught how to pose a female. The goal of female posing was to strive to shape her body into an ‘S’ curve […] Written by Carly Sullens M. Artist, CPP April 6, 2023April 10, 2023
Photo Editing Photography Photography Education How to Take Better Landscape Images Landscape photography can be done with any camera and any lens. From your smartphone camera to your high-end pro camera, you can create some of your best images. Regardless of what you use to capture your images, you need to find something interesting to photograph. Here in Nebraska, It could be a single tree in […] Written by Mark Weber April 4, 2023February 28, 2023
Business Marketing Photography Education Uncategorized Write it Down Intro by Mark Weber I love Lori Nordstrom’s point in today’s post – write it down. One of the earliest lessons I learned in my career was to identify a goal and write it down. Then make a plan to accomplish that goal. A goal without a plan is like a ship without a rudder. […] Written by Lori Nordstrom March 30, 2023February 28, 2023
Business Marketing Photography Education Seniors and a BOGO You Don’t Want to Miss When I think back to my days as a high school senior, things were so different. To begin with, everybody looked the same, wore the same outfit, and all the images were black and white. And there was no promotional material announcing that we’d graduated. Yes, parties and invitations were sent out, but not very […] Written by Skip Cohen March 28, 2023March 22, 2023
Business Marketing Photography Education Building Revenue With Seasonality I shared this recently on my own blog, and while I’ve hit on many of the ideas in past posts, the timing for you to ramp things up is NOW! This is a you-snooze-you-lose scenario, but there’s still time for you to have an impact and start building your revenue stream for 2023. STOP PROCRASTINATING! Imaging, […] Written by Skip Cohen March 23, 2023March 21, 2023
Business Inspiration Photography Education How to Stretch Yourself to Grow Your Business The most successful studios are the ones that go beyond traditional marketing. They get involved in their community. They volunteer, they donate their time for causes and they do good things for other people . . . consistently. But what if you’re not typically one of those people? What if it takes all you can […] Written by Mark Weber March 21, 2023February 23, 2023