Photography Education

  1. Inspiration
  2. Photography
  3. Photography Education
I was on a personal project doing underwater photography in the Bahamas on my first live-aboard dive trip. Each day consisted of multiple dives, but this capture was in between dives. Conditions were perfect and the lighting beautiful, so I decided to practice some freediving, encouraging my (now) wife to model some poses over the […]
  1. Photography
  2. Photography Education
  3. Photoshop
introduction by Mark Weber, M. Photog., Cr., M. Artist, CPP Recently I was looking through the 2022 PPA Image Excellence book for some inspiration for a photographic project I was working on. I came across this wonderful image titled – “Galactic Portal” by Marina Proskurina. After contacting Marina I discovered she has several PPA award-winning […]
  1. Business
  2. Photography Education
  3. Product Info
  4. Self Publishing
  5. Techniques
Marathon serves many clients in the area of DIY (do-it-yourself) Publishing. If you’ve entered the world of DIY Publishing, you’ve probably already heard about an ISBN or International Standard Book Number.  If not, here’s some helpful information. Note: I have curated this information from their respective sources: RR Bowker, US Copyright Office and Library of […]