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  2. Photography Education

Is it Time to Take a Break?

Weekends are a reminder that sloths had it right all along!

Unknown Author

It seems counter-productive to suggest you might need to take a short break right now, but even in the peak of seasonality and incoming revenue, you still need to pay attention to your stress levels. You know when you’re starting to burn out, but a short respite, even if it’s just for a few hours, can dramatically help you recharge.

I’m a big fan of looking forward to the weekend. Even in the middle of chaos, taking part of a day to kick back and chill becomes necessary. Except for wedding photographers, whose weekend time off usually starts on Monday, most of you can isolate some “me-time” on the weekend.  

Weekends are not for catching up with work; they are meant

for catching up with yourself!

N. Singhal

​This is a very short post today, and while it’s not directly about marketing, it is a reminder of what it takes to run a successful business. You can’t focus on the energy you need to accomplish your goals if you’re running on empty. And you can’t capture images that tug at people’s heartstrings if your own heart isn’t in it.

Taking time for yourself is like following the flight attendant’s directions about oxygen masks. If you’re traveling with a small child, put on your mask before trying to help them. In other words, you can’t help them if you’re not at the top of your game first.

You know how to focus your camera; now it’s time to focus your energy on YOU. The key to avoiding burnout is your attitude and recognition of when it’s time for a break. But that time will be wasted if you don’t give your mind and body a rest.

Weekends: The perfect time to do nothing and everything at the same time!

Unknown Author

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