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Must-Dos For Email Marketing

Who wouldn’t want an inexpensive way to connect with their customers and raise their ROI? That is exactly what Email Marketing does! Email Marketing is engaging, inexpensive, easy to edit and a leading form of measurable marketing. Because Email marketing is so engaging, it leads to a higher ROI and a better relationship between you and your customers.

The Steam Send blog recently published an article of must dos in 2015 for Email Marketing. You can read the full article at http://blog.streamsend.com/2015/01/streamsend-10-email-marketing-must-dos.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+StreamsendBlogTitles+%28StreamSend+Email+Marketing+Blog+Titles%29.

  1. Button Up – It all starts at the end: measurement. The beauty of email is its measurability: who read what, when, where – or who didn’t. Take advantage of the latest measurement tools to find out when to enhance success or fix lagging results.
  1. Get the Picture – Adding videos to email shows a much higher return on investment, increasing ROI and boosting monthly revenue by forty percent. Click-through rates increase 2-3 times when marketers include a video in an email.
  1. Take it on the Road – Already accounting for over half of all email opened, mobile devices offer marketers a way to reach customers wherever and whenever they want. But that also means there’s stiff competition for their attention; one glance will view and judge your message, either to engage or dismiss, possibly forever. Learn the mobile email tricks to success.
  1. Boost Open Rates – To win the battle of the inbox, emails need to stand out and be welcomed — open rates will tell you who’s winning. Step back and judge if you are providing information that is genuinely valued. Sometimes even the best marketers are guilty of drinking their own Kool-Aid; don’t be one of them. Serve the customers.
  1. Get Recognized – The inbox battle also demands making it easy to recognize your emails with a consistent look and format, and an inviting subject line. Count on only having a second to stop them before their eyes flick down the list.
  1. Click –You’re Engaged – Click-through rates gauge your success – or failure — engaging readers. They opened your email; now you have to deliver. Measuring links clicked can guide your future content for continuing improvement. And be sure to make the call to action loud and clear.
  1. Harness Your Audience with RSS – Any business with regular RSS updates can more effectively connect with its audience and attract new followers with these syndicated live web feeds. When businesses gain this ability to share their RSS content so widely, they start to multiply their number of readers, building their lists and building their business with more customers.
  1. Templates Work Hard – When marketers want to know the easiest, most reliable way to send emails with a branded look and feel that optimize reader response, email templates are the answer. Check out some key features to look for in templates, in this case, ones that helped marketers win the holidays’ furious inbox battle for customer attention.
  1. Email on Steroids: Add Social – Emails that include social sharing buttons have a click-through-rate 158% higher than emails that do not. With more than two billion social media users across various platforms worldwide, adding social media to clients’ email strategy can produce large campaign response lifts.
  1. Bottom Line – Make sure business goals and email campaigns are in synch to guide content and strategy. If immediate sales are the goal, even a successful awareness campaign might look like a failure. And as for sales, measurement actions like redeemed coupons can be a bullet-proof way to measure success.

If you utilize these tips in your Email Marketing efforts, you can be sure that your new marketing strategy will be a success.

Don’t forget to check out what Marathon Press has to offer. Marathon’s team of expert designers can help you customize your Email Marketing to fit your needs quickly and cost effectively. For more information on what Email Marketing services Marathon Press offers visit http://www.marathonpress.com/email-marketing/.