1. Business
  2. Inspiration

Just Watch the Left Front Fender – by Skip’s Dad

A few years back I talked my Dad into doing a guest post on my blog. I finally closed the deal, but only after we negotiated a life-changing compensation program that hopefully won’t disturb his Social Security and is comparable to what he underpaid me as a kid! LOL

What I was most happy with was being able to draw from Dad’s years of experience. His message in this first blog was everything so many icons talk about. This blog is a prime example of as much as things change they stay the same! The principles of business, while the vehicles to deliver the message might be different, the message itself never changes.

Dad passed away three years ago just after his 93rd birthday, and while he may not be with us, there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by that I don’t think about him and my mother.

I like to think that right now he’s hanging out with his buddy Don Blair and the two of them are watching over all of us. So, everybody, meet my Dad, with some great foundation tips to help you build your business.

Yesterday was my 88th birthday. I have been happily retired for many years, and unemployed for at least 15 of those. Now, out of the blue, comes our son, Skip, threatening me with employment! The pay he considers adequate is $.02 per word. So gathering together, my 50+ years in business experience, I thought this would be a good time to put my two cents in.

I am not a plagiarist, but I must quote my father who spent the last months of his life writing advice to his children:

“Conduct your business in an upright manner and remember, the most important thing in one’s life is to be honest with one’s self. Maintain the high standard and dignity that your business requires. Do not go into deals hastily and be visible in your business as much of the time as is possible. If you take time to play, do it away from your business because your livelihood needs all the attention you can give to it.”

Early on, I concluded that the best testimonials came from my many friendly competitors. We didn’t really compete with each other, in the true sense. True, we were in the same field of endeavor, but we all knew we were there to help each other. Happily, the “tough competition” fell by the wayside.

I remember giving Skip driving lessons and I told him, “Watch the left front fender…..the rest will take care of itself!” I’ve found this is really true of everything in life.

An old axiom says “If you tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said.” That is all part of reputation-building. I found that, sadly, in the field of real estate, truth is hard to come by for many. In our case, it was a major building block in the reputation which we enjoyed, and helped us to thwart the competition.

Goodwill is all of the above, plus a lot of caring for your clients as well as your competitors. If life is a give-and-take situation, giving is the more important of the two. The taking will come with time and be far more appreciative. Just remember – you heard it here! Ralph Cohen, Founder and Creator of Skip Cohen!