If you are looking for a great way to promote your studio to clients and prospects as THE PLACE for easy, stress-free, one-stop, holiday-gift shopping . . . then a Gift Certificate promotion is the way to go!
Simply offer Gift Certificates for 20% off, but make the offer more impressive by spelling out the value clients will receive as follows:
— Gift Certificate Sale —
$ 50 Gift Certificate . . . . . only $40
$100 Gift Certificate . . . . . only $80
$200 Gift Certificate . . . . . only $160
$300 Gift Certificate . . . . . only $240
$400 Gift Certificate . . . . . only $320
$500 Gift Certificate . . . . . only $400
Spread the word through a postcard mailing, an email blast, or social media messages. Let readers know how easy it is to shop for “The Perfect Gift.” And since they are available in any denomination, portrait Gift Certificates solve the problem of what to give to hard-to-please friends and relatives. Remember also that some gift certificates are never redeemed, so they represent “found money.”