According to Hallmark Cards, Inc., Christmas is the largest card-sending holiday in the United States, with approximately 1.5 billion cards sent annually. Add to that the millions of cards sent in celebration of Hanukah and Kwanza, and it’s obvious that holiday cards represent a huge opportunity for photographers to motivate the public to purchase portraits.
According to Hallmark research, consumers who send holiday cards do so because they know how good it feels when they receive a holiday greeting. They love the greeting even more when it includes a photograph of friends or family members, so remind consumers of this fact in your holiday card advertising.
When should you start promoting holiday cards? RIGHT NOW! Parents start thinking about the holidays as soon as the kids are back in school, so here are some promotional ideas to get you started:
- Use holiday cards to drive family portrait sessions by advertising 24 free portrait cards with the purchase of a wall portrait or portrait package.
- Offer holiday cards as an “early-bird” reward for portraits made before Thanksgiving.
- Advertise your special holiday offers and showcase your card designs on your blog.
- Get your blog and Facebook readers thinking about holiday cards by asking them to describe the most memorable holiday card they ever received.
- Tweet this: “24 free portrait cards to first 10 families who call to book a family portrait session at (studio name and phone number).”
- Reach out to community businesses: Let them know you can create a 5×7 calendar with a photograph (such as a seasonal image, their business building, staff, etc.) and their logo to include with their holiday cards as a tasteful and cost-effective business reminder.
Keep in mind that holiday cards do more than drive year-end business; they also expand your marketing reach to all those who receive a card with your photography and studio information imprint. What better way to create buzz in the community than have your clients mail your photography to their friends and family!
Click here to learn how Marathon can help you create profit-building sales on greeting cards and calendars this season. Simply order Marathon’s Holiday Greeting Card Package and receive 50 FREE cards.
Don’t forget to check out the Monthly Blog Special for September!