If you’re heading to New Orleans for Imaging USA (January 15-17), stop by the Marathon booth #1331 and take a look at some fantastic new marketing products that will make your 2012 marketing SO much easier:
- Senior Program – Targeting members of the class of 2013, you’ve never seen a senior campaign as exciting as this one! It’s three vibrant marketing pieces are guaranteed to get the attention of high school seniors and keep it! We have samples to show you, but come prepared with your ZIP Codes to make sure they are still available!
- Branding Essentials – Save over $200 on key branding products to get your business noticed, including a one-on-one consultation designed to customize your marketing plan and take your business to the next level. Plus you don’t have to pay for everything at once, spread out your payments (only $99 a month) over 12 months.
- Birthday Program – A campaign to build your children’s portraiture business by mailing welcomed reminders to parents that it’s time for birthday portraits. Comes with ZIP Code protection, so bring your ZIP Codes for this program also.
If you’re arriving on Saturday, January 14, be sure to attend the PPA Charity’s Celebration Gala and Auction, which starts at 8:00, P.M. Did you know that you can pre-bid on eight Auction “Spotlight” items, ranging from a dream vacation in a private villa to fabulous educational opportunities? Simply log on to this link: http://ppacharities.com/blog/index.html to view the items and place your bid, then follow bidding updates on the PPACH Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10420484388.
Speaking of PPA Charities, don’t miss the Sunday, January 15, 9:00 A.M. “Power of Charities” program featuring Sarah Petty, Beverly Walden, and Mary Fisk-Taylor explaining how charitable marketing helps them to reach ideal clients and keep their businesses in the public eye. Ann Monteith will unveil PPACH’s new national fundraiser for charitable partner Operation Smile, which will take place on April 21, 2012. PPACH is sponsoring “Celebration of Smiles Day” in association with Marathon, as a turnkey program that you’ll be hearing lots about in the coming days. The program will conclude with an appearance by the internationally respected humanitarian and founder of Operation Smile, Dr. William Magee and his wife Kathy.
See you in New Orleans!