1. Business
  2. Photography
  3. Technology

Drone Photography – A New Business Opportunity Part 2

Today we continue with our part 2 podcast on Drone Photography with Jay Davis. As I mentioned previously, we need to find people who can educate us and inspire us on topics like this and Jay is a knowledgeable instructor. You’ll see his military background show thru in the thoroughness of his advice. Very organized and dependable information.

You can read books and watch videos but Jay made me realize you don’t know what you don’t know. Don’t try to figure this stuff all out all your own the hard way. Having fun in your backyard with a toy drone is one thing but quite another when you have a real aircraft you’re navigating. Yes, you are a real pilot . . . just on the ground.

Without the proper education, you could waste a lot of money, inadvertently break some laws and potentially hurt someone! Watch the podcast and you’ll understand more! The bottom line is if you have been thinking about getting into this niche of photography or moving up from it as a hobby, don’t miss this Podcast.

Jay and I covered so much information that I turned this into a 2 – 20 minute podcast chock full of great advice. This is part two. In this second one we cover:

  1. Drone recommendation
  2. Stills vs. Videos
  3. Hazards – unexpected and lessons learned
  4. Promotion
  5. Pricing
  6. Job values vs. opportunity
  7. Licensing fees
  8. Marketing Support Materials
  9. The value of quality Drone education
  10. More!

Jay is an incredibly talented and smart photographer and businessman out of Papillion, Nebraska. I realized once I wanted to seriously learn more about getting into this genre of photography, he would be the one to ask. Join us in the part 2 podcast.

For those of you in turning your Drone images into printed works of art? Check out the Bella Prints from Marathon Press. These Museum quality papers turn your photography into images worthy of any permanent display – Fine Art Collector or Museum! https://www.marathonpress.com/bella-prints/